FOREX is the complete collection by Eugenio Milani.The bundle includes three volumes of the highest value that will allow you to start operating in an effective and profitable way, with the awareness of learning from one of the leading experts in the field.FOREX ONLINEForex is a system that allows you to earn in the medium-long term, but only for those who implement the correct strategy.In fact, trading is a complicated and difficult activity, but you can master it.Brokers, with the advent of the Internet, have made available to their users various platforms that allow you to trade Forex anywhere in the world, at any time.With this book you will learn techniques and strategies to apply in online forex to start monetizing and minimizing risks.FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSISFundamental Analysis is the method to understand market trends.Being able to predict the trend of a market, be it stock exchange, forex, commodities or any other product, is the skill you need to make profitable trading.That's why you need fundamental analysis.Unlike technical analysis, the fundamental analysis takes into account many variables relating to the context in which the product operates and allows you to make long-term evaluations, without having to follow signals or indicators daily.What sets Fundamental Analysis apart from any other market analysis technique is the ability to base one's strategy not on historical or past facts, but on what is happening at the exact moment you decide to invest.OPERATING FOREX TRADINGThe Forex market is the largest financial market in the world.Forex Trading allows you to buy and exchange currencies in complete autonomy, 24 hours a day.Another point for the Forex market is the total absence of intermediaries, with the consequent reduction of platform management costs, which only serve to connect with the market.Forex Trading guarantees you stability in relation to events that may affect the market, so starting to invest your capital in it may be the best choice for you.Moreover, thanks to the advent of technology, in the financial markets and in particular in the Forex market, you have the possibility to carry out trading at any time of the day or night, for five days a week, comfortably from the couch of your home or from the resort of your holidays.This book will reveal the secrets to carry out Trading in an orderly and structured manner on the world currency market, like no other guide had taught you before!