The Secrets to Living Frugally and Still Live Happy LivesContrary to what most people believe, frugal living is not all about living in poverty. In fact, there is a big difference between the two concepts. While poverty is imposed, frugality is a choice that people can make. Currently, there are many people who embrace this particular lifestyle because it has a lot of benefits. Aside from saving money, people who live frugally are also able to reduce their output to the environment so they produce fewer wastes. Moreover, they also have more meaningful relationships with other people. Apparently, the absence of extraneous things in their lives has made them see the real value of things thus they were able to pursue meaningful hobbies and also invest in good relationships with people around them.Adapting to this lifestyle is never easy especially for those who are used to living in a consumer-oriented society. However, there is a way for you to adapt this lifestyle. Thus this book is intended for people who want to embrace this lifestyle. With this book, you will be able to do the following:Learn about the philosophy, benefits and principles of frugal living. They serve as your basic guide on how to embrace and commit in this lifestyle.Understand the steps on how to start frugal living. Chapter 2 discusses about what you need to know so that you can implement this particular lifestyle in your life.Learn about the many strategies on how you can be frugal and, at the same time, save money in whatever you do.Frugal living is a great lifestyle that anyone can adopt. And just like any type of lifestyle, it is difficult to keep up with it. Thus, it is important that you develop the attitude of being frugal.This is why this book is very important for you.